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Work Out at the Brewery


January is typically one of the slowest months for craft breweries. Because most craft breweries are small businesses, there’s often a guilt-ridden reminder from ardent craft fans (and brewery employees) to not forsake the brewery completely during this month. Coupled with this is often a mocking sentiment around the self-imposed drinking break known as Dry January. Personally, I don’t feel the derision is a good look or strategy for maintaining current customers or winning new craft converts.

What isn’t typically slow in January are gym memberships, as improving one’s health is one of the most popular new year resolutions. I’ve noticed many DFW breweries increasing the weekly run/walk groups and yoga offerings. After sharing my thoughts on Dry January on X, Brian Burton of Hop & Sting Brewery said in a tweet, “We advocate folks develop a healthier relationship with alcohol that can be maintained all year. To help with that we support our weekly running/walking, cycling, & yoga groups.” I support this perspective and have been including more brewery workout events on the website calendar.

Here are three reasons why I believe breweries should promote their workout classes, especially during Dry (or damp) January.

  1. It’s a social opportunity with other beer drinkers that’s already aligns with the most popular new year’s resolution. Customers can incorporate brewery workouts into their existing routine. Some classes are free. For the ones with a fee, it usually includes a beer or other beverage when the workout is complete.
  2. It reinforces the idea of balance – that you can enjoy a strenous workout and beer, too. This helps get rid of the all-or-nothing mindset.
  3. It provides another reason to continue visiting the local taproom.

Are you a part of a regular workout group at your local brewery? What’s been your experience? Share it in the comments below.

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